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An Introduction to Constitutional Iridology
- 10/9/2012
- Categorized in: Free Webinar Recordings

It has been said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. There's something magical about looking someone in the eye. To the trained iridologist, however, the eyes are a doorway to understanding a person's constitution, their inherent strengths and weaknesses. The eyes not only reveal inherited tendencies to disease patterns, they also reveal inherited personality traits. It's amazing what you can discover when looking in someone's eyes when you understand the secrets of constitutional iridology.
Steven Horne, RH(AHG) has been trained in iridology using the standards of the International Iridology Practitioners Association. He is a member and former board member of that organization. Steven has been practicing iridology for 26 years and finds in an invaluable tool in helping to assess people's physical and emotional needs. He taught this free webinar on November 1, 2012.
Right click here to download the handouts for this webinar (pdf format)
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If you want to learn more, take our Practical Iridology correspondence course.