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The School of Modern Herbal Medicine

Emotional Healing Programs
Many people work with the body using herbs, nutrition, bodywork and lifestyle counseling. Others work with the mind, helping people to cultivate a positive mental attitude and constructive thought processes. Some work with both. But, how many people work with the third part of the holistic model—the emotional (or spiritual) aspect of our nature? Very few, which is why our founder, Steven Horne, believes that emotional healing is the missing link in holistic health care.
Thirty five years ago, Steven Horne embarked on a journey of learning how to work with this third aspect of our nature. He discovered that our emotions play a very critical role in our lives, but few of us understand them or even consider them to be valid. After working with hundreds of people and witnessing what many of them call "miracles," Steven created tools and programs to help people with emotional healing—a critical human need and one that is all too often ignored. Here is a list of resources to help you learn more about emotional healing and/or obtain personal assistance.
Learn the Basics of Emotional Healing
We have created a variety of free webinar recordings and articles/blogs that can help you get started in learning the basic principles of emotional healing. Steven has produced a three-part webinar series called Spriritual Foundations of Emotional Healing in which he tells the story of how he discovered emotional healing work and the spiritual principles on which it is based. He has also done a series of free webinars on Emotional Healing, which can be found on this website or our YouTube playlist on Emotional Healing.
Attend a Healing Hearts Workshop
The Healing Hearts Workshops are unique and powerful. Over the course of two days, you will learn the core principles of emotional healing. You will learn what emotions are and the positive, constructive purpose of those emotions we think of as "negative." You will also learn how to turn anger, grief and fear into positive energies in your life. These workshops are donation-based and are taught by Steven and his Certified Emotional Healing Coaches. Steven teaches principles and skills relative to emotional healing, and then we break into small groups to practice the skills. These workshops are life-changing opportunities. Eventually we hope to hold them all over the country, but at this point they are held in St. George, UT to keep expenses down.
Get Personal Help from a Certified Emotional Healing Coach
If you want help with your own personal emotional issues, our Certified Emotional Healing Coaches can help you. You can find a list of the gradutates of our Certified Emotional Healing Coach program who are willing to help you. Many offer a free half-hour initial coaching session.
Fees for additional coaching sessions are negotiated between you and your coach based on your needs and your ability to pay. Our coaches want to help as many people as they can and will do their best to work out an affordable program for you.
Learn More from our Holistic Perspective Webinars
The Holistic Perspective is one of the monthly webinars Steven Horne holds as part of the Herbiverse member program. There are currently over 50 webinars in this series, many of which are devoted to emotional healing work. You can get a great education on emotional healing by watching these webinars. Much of the material in our CEHC program below was adopted from these Holistic Perspective webinars. Plus, you'll have access to other webinars on herbs, nutrition and other natural healing modalities, as well as an extensive database of information on natural health. Sign up today.
New Online Emotional Healing Training Program (Free)
Steven is teaching his emotional healing training program online at no charge because he has decided he needs to be able to talk more freely about the spiritual basis for this work. You can learn more about this by watching the free webinar The Spiritual Gift of Healing. You can sign up for the four modules using the links below:
Module One: The Spiritual Foundations of Emotional Healing (starts January 29, 2018)
Live class dates for 2018: Jan 29; Feb 5, 19, 26; Mar 5, 12, 26; Apr 2
Module Two: Tools for Emotional Healing (Registration opens March 26)
Live class dates for 2018: Apr 9, 23, 30; May 7, 14, 28; June 4, 11, 25
Module Three: The Spiritual Energetics of Emotions (Registration opens June 11)
Live class dates for 2018: July 2,23, 30; Aug 6, 13, 27; Sept 10, 17
Module Four: Universal Energetics and the Tree of Life (Registration opens Sept 3)
Live class dates for 2018: Sept 24; Oct 8, 15; Nov 5, 12, 26; Dec 3, 10